Our Network

  • Dhugal Meachem

    Dhugal was one of my best students and, despite the hair, was excellent in almost everything he did. If you require someone to diligently assess and treat your case with a warm humility and a drab or two of humour then he is the man. Ever determined to treat according to the principles of Chinese medicine laid out thousands of years ago and diligently learnt under pressure.

  • Nicki Jannaway

    Nicki is a rare find, a woman of integrity and passion who loves suring! Even in the cold and damp weather of Cornwall, where she also knows how to put you back togerher again. Go to Nicki to have your aches and pains eased away on her warm and sagecious couch. A true healer.

  • Rosanna Law

    Rosanna came from a background of already treating and seeing patients as a homeopath. She was a regular attendee at student clinic where she saw first hand the incredible power that acupuncture has at healing. With her ready sense of humour, warmth of character and dedication to improving Rosanna is an excellent choice on your healing journey.

Get started on your health journey today.