Guaranteed Results

How does the guarantee work?

Simply put, if you are not satisfied then you can get your money back. This can be done at a guarantee break in the treatment protocol - generally after the third treatment.

The guarantee does not apply to the £20 intern clinic.

At the first consultation your acupuncturist will discuss how quickly they expect you to get better. For something acute (recent) such as a painful back we expect almost immediate improvement wheras something that has been going on for decades may take a little longer. If not successful then you can then decide with the acupuncturist on a guarantee break where, if you believe that your treatment was not effective, you can ask for your money back. Unless otherwise agreed this will be at the third treatment.

We want you to be confident in the knowledge that your health is the most important thing to us and so we are happy to offer what is, essentially, the only guaranteed health service in the world (to our knowledge).

How many treatments will I need?

The answer to this depends on your current health and how healthy you want to be. To put this in perspective, elite athletes regularly use acupuncture. Elite athletes are people who are already, by definition, in incredible health and yet they wish to become healthier. Realistically there is always another level of health and beauty to be had.

Generally, Dr Keown states that for chronic conditions (i.e. conditions that have been around for more than few months) you should see some improvement after three treatments and significant improvement after six treatments. For acute conditions, e.g. low back pain that started in the last week, you should see immediate improvement with acupuncture.

The rate of progress is very variable and somwhat out of the control of the acupuncturist. In our opinion, if you are still seeing improvement with treatments you should continue.